Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blog Tag!

You Alphabet Soup readers must be losing sleep over the suspenseful ending in the last post!!  Do not lose heart my friends!  I will resolve it.

But not right now.  Now is the time to play a bit of blog tag.  I was one of the lucky bloggers who got chosen by Miss Emily, over at http://astheroadbends.blogspot.com.  Since I don't feel like trying to paraphrase the way it works (that's for english class), and because she put it so well, I will quote her:

"Here's how it works: I'm going to post a list of questions, along with my answers. At the end, I'm going to "tag" two other bloggers, and if they "take the challenge" ( ;-), they'll post the questions with their answers, then tag someone else, and it goes on and on and on....."

Let's start!

1. What color are your socks right now?

None but the skin on my feet!
2. What are you listening to right now?

Mindy Gledhill's album called "Sum of All Grace."  It's a beautiful religious CD.  I'd definitely recommend it.  And while I'm advertising (I should get paid for this ;), I'd also recommend her album called "Anchor."  It's a really cute, happy CD.
3. What was the last thing you ate?

A fresh salad and yummy potato dish.  I ate the latter last so that would be the correct answer I s'pose...
4. Can you drive a stick?

No.  But I'd love to learn!
5. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

Mom I do believe
6. How old are you today?

16 years, 9 months, 14 days
(wooh--firing on all cylinders for a while there :P )
7. What is your favorite sport to watch?

I'd like to lump a whole lot of sports together, please, and answer with the Olympics!  But more specifically, Figure Skating and Gymnastics.  
Yeah, I'm a really "sporty" person, I know.
8. What is your favorite drink?

Starbuck's chocolate milk (yes, it can be embarrassing to order, especially when they assume it's for a child, and they hand you a kid's serving worth)
 Also Snapple's peach tea
9. Have you ever dyed your hair?

10. What is your favorite food?

Hmmm...I could probably fill a book...
Let's just say anything homemade, comforting, or bad for you.
Salads, too.
11. Do you sing in the shower?

All the time.
12. Favorite day of the year?

I agree with Emily:  Any day that is happy
13. What is one place you want to visit?

Well if I just had to narrow it down to one, I guess it would be...
the world.
14. What was your favorite toy as a child?

My dear stuffed penguins, the Puddies!  I was just revisiting the Puddy House today.  Growing up is definitely bittersweet...
15. What is your favorite season?

Right now, SUMMER!!!
But at the end of the summer it will most likely be fall, and at the end of fall it will most likely be winter, and at the end of winter it will most likely be spring, and...you get the picture.  :)
16. Cherries or Blueberries?

Cherries, although neither are "favorites"
17. Vanilla or Chocolate?

18. What is (one of) your favorite song(s)?

Goodness sakes.  Can't even begin to decide.  
I love songs that make me feel peaceful or make me want to cry [smile],
and also songs with lyrics that hold truths that I believe in
19. Favorite activity?
Things that make me use me creative juices and things having to do with family and friends
20. Have you ever left the country you live in?

I'm so blessed because I can say yes!  I've been to Canada, Mexico, Peru, and Africa.
21. What is on the floor of your closet right now?

Well, since I don't actually have a closet in my room, I'll say what's underneath my bed.  There are storage boxes full of various things like...letters, stuffed animals that I'm not ready to say goodbye to just yet, posters...  
Sometimes a cat shows up too.
Moving on.
22. What did you do last night?

Had an awesome time at Burgerville with Mom, Emily, Rachel, and Ben.  I can't really remember what I did after that.  I guess we drove home and went to bed...
23. What are you afraid of most?

I'm not exactly afraid of this, but I scream without fail every time this happens (which seems to be frequently)...
Accidentally squishing a bug with my bare hand, even if the said bug is already dead.

24. If you had the option, would you choose a fun drink, or a yummy, eat-ible snack?

Eh, I'll just take them both, thanks.
25. Favorite day of the week?

Saturdays, Sundays, and Friday evenings.
26. Favorite breed of dog?

Golden Retriever!  
I would choose *cough* a cat over a dog any day, though *cough*...
27. Favorite genre of literature?

Historical Fiction / Children's :)
28. Diamonds or pearls?

29. What is your favorite flower?

The best is a garden brimming with all sorts of different flowers, but who wouldn't agree with that?  
So I guess I'll say lilacs or roses or any that smell luscious.
30. An item on your bucket list?

Fly in a plane on the night of the 4th of July!

And there you have it.  
I am going to tag...
Miss Jessica, over at http://thesunnyloft.blogspot.com/
Miss Sarah, over at http://lordslass.blogspot.com/

Now, try to get some sleep between now and when I settle this business about being kidnapped.  
Ta-Ta for now!


  1. So fun to read all your different answers! :-) I'll definitely look up those CDs - they sound really neat!

  2. I loved reading your answers Jo! And thanks for tagging me, I will get right on that. :) So, what is this business I hear about you being kidnapped? ;)

  3. You really must post part two to your Afriac trip!! :)
    Thanks for the tag! Don't give up on me...I *will* do it, but prob next month (after the Book Challenge ;)
    I'm gonna look up those CDs too - I've never heard of Mindy Gledhill! :)
