Saturday, December 31, 2011

Return to Potato Land Day 2

Put two camera-loving cousins together, and you are bound to have at least ONE photo shoot...  :P
Sadly my camera died halfway through, so we married Jess's camera to my lens and--voila!--we kept on shooting.  :)  So a lot of these were taken with that set-up...

Hmmm...Do you think we look alike?
Beautiful, isn't she?

Time for a random one!
Helping Jess get more options for senior pictures is so fun!  :)
Kudos to Nick for getting this shot.  After hitting the button, he had ten seconds to run to the 20 foot bridge, across it, and then down to where we were sitting.  Success!
Autumn leaves!
Photo credit: Jess
Goofing around

This was the best, most slippery slide I have ever had the pleasure of sliding down!
Photo credit: Jess 

Photo credit: Jess
Here we are!
Cousins :)

Oh dear...
Photo credit: Jess
Laughing :)
This is me
Photo credit: Jess
Until tomorrow...

[Special thanks to Nick who patiently snapped a lot of the pictures of Jess and me...]  

Friday, December 30, 2011

Return to Potato Land Day 1

Last Monday I flew [solo :D] to Idaho to visit my cousins.  I was greeted by this:

Made me feel so important... *sniff sniff*
 Then we came home and played...

Imaginiff!  Such a hilarious game...  :)

Awesome Nick proudly displaying a remnant
of Christmas paper he found
in honor of the now-passed holiday. 
Beautiful Jessie and cute Mokie

Playing with Jess's magnifying glass screw-on things.
After dark, we climbed out onto the roof with some hot chocolate and blankets...

Look who joined us!
I wish my camera hadn't turned Shemiah's eyes that yucky green;
but at least they're not red...

Trying to get all three of us in...  :)

A few pictures from the holidays thus far.

Now if that isn't a boring title, I don't know what is...

Thanksgiving dinner

The pies!
pumpkin, chocolate, lemon meringue, cheesecake, and apple

White stuff that sparkles in the sun!  Sadly not snow...

Getting the Christmas tree is just not the same
without Jen and Jonathan.

Walking back to the truck...
So beautiful both inside and out!

Starting the decoration process!

We visited the Grotto...I'd love to see it in the summer

Such a beautiful manger scene!
Dad opening a present from his mama...
Mom opening hers from Dad and me

What a great Santa! 

Mei Mei enjoyed herself.  She went from this box to one piece of
wrapping paper, then another...

Opening a present from Jenny and Bub!

A little impatient are we?

Notice the snazzy cap?  :)

A birthday rose for Mama...