Friday, December 30, 2011

Return to Potato Land Day 1

Last Monday I flew [solo :D] to Idaho to visit my cousins.  I was greeted by this:

Made me feel so important... *sniff sniff*
 Then we came home and played...

Imaginiff!  Such a hilarious game...  :)

Awesome Nick proudly displaying a remnant
of Christmas paper he found
in honor of the now-passed holiday. 
Beautiful Jessie and cute Mokie

Playing with Jess's magnifying glass screw-on things.
After dark, we climbed out onto the roof with some hot chocolate and blankets...

Look who joined us!
I wish my camera hadn't turned Shemiah's eyes that yucky green;
but at least they're not red...

Trying to get all three of us in...  :)


  1. What fun to get a glimpse of your "adventure" with your cousins!! Looks like you found plenty to do...even out on the roof... :-) I love seeing you guys together, and that sign at the airport was awesome!!! Can hardly wait for day 2...

  2. Cocoa & blankets on the roof sounds like so much fun!! Glad you got there safe and sound and are having such a blast! :)
    Love ya!

  3. Oh Jo, this looks wonderful! I'm so happy you got to go do that - looks like you had a bunch of fun! Love the cocoa and blankets on the roof - way too much fun!
    *hug*! :-)

  4. Oooooh! Great documentation of day 1! I'm so glad you got to come! Pictures are so great because they let you relive the memories :) Looking forward to the next post!
