Thankfully the kidnappers ended up being our very own Jennifer and Jonathan.
We probably missed that little fact because we were so tired.
Moving on.
They brought us to the house they were staying in (the owners were away for a time and had asked the J's to stay in it for them which the J's eagerly agreed to). There waited a scrumpdiliumptious meal.
(This was really exciting after two days of airplane food)
Here you see the food and the damage we did to it.
Here I am hugging the cook (not so much because she was the cook but more because she is the sister).
No we didn't forget anything...
Ah finally time for bed. Aren't the mosquito nets so cozy??
Next morning? More traveling!
Here comes the fam! Ready for hours more on the bus!
Waiting at the bus station...
Mr. Joe--yep that's me!
Dad and Mom looking fab as per usual.
Here's our bus!
We drove past so many scenes on the way to Lilongwe--common day to the locals, but thrilling for the tourist... :)
To give you a taste of riding on an African bus...
Finally in Lilongwe!
All of us rather tired and hot, but still happy.
Talking over plans...
Down the stairs...
...and across the court... explore a bit we go!
Jonathan showing off his amazing skills...
I love how the soda there always come in old-fashioned glass bottles...
Next morning we took this mode of transport across Malawi's border into Zambia, where our Safari would be.
Along the way we saw...
After traveling so much, this happened.
Thankfully we stopped for lunch soon after at a beautiful, quiet park...
Mom proceeded to take pictures of us kids.
Then we were off again!
Happy school-goers...
Dad took this one. It's definitely one of my favorites from the trip...
Here we are!
Moving in...
They told us there was a pool, so we decided to investigate.
Sure enough, there was a pool. A very, very nice pool.
Jonathan and I decided we wanted to get more of us wet than just our feet...
The view of the river we were camped by.
The end of another exciting day!
So fun to got more of the story!! The scenery is absolutely gorgeous! Looks like bunches of fun!